John W. Bass, M.D. Plastic Surgery


Male Body Contouring Options
One of the most common complaints men have about their physique is the “spare tire” or “love handles” around the midsection. Many men are simply predisposed to carry a little extra weight in this area, and no amount of dieting or crunches will give them the waistline they want.

Liposuction is a great solution for men who, despite being in good shape, can’t seem to cut down on their belly fat. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bass has extensive experience with a variety of liposuction techniques that can trim inches off the waistline with minimal scarring. Tiny incisions are made in inconspicuous areas, and a thin tube is used to permanently suction out the fat. There is some swelling and bruising afterward, but generally only a few days of rest are required before you can return to light activity. For men with good skin quality, liposuction should produce excellent results.

Tummy Tuck
When excess, hanging skin and lax abdominal muscles are present, a tummy tuck is the more appropriate solution. This is often the case for men who have lost a significant amount of weight. This procedure tightens the underlying muscles and removes the extra skin and fat that add bulk to the waist. A tummy tuck requires more extensive incisions and downtime, but also has a very high rate of satisfaction.

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